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lamb eggplant meatball

Lamb & Eggplant Meatballs

Lamb and eggplant – you are a match made in Mediterranean heaven!  Seriously, it is one of those combinations that just work together no matter how you pair them. When cooked together lamb and eggplant a roast, salad or pasta dish are all divine. So when I was looking to create something for an afternoon catch-up with the neighbours a meatballs sprang to mind. I had just picked a couple of eggplants from the garden and thought that they would add a lovely twist along with the lamb. Seasoned with sumac, garlic, herbs and plenty of lemon, they were delicious. A perfect bite to enjoy on a warm afternoon with friends.

Meatballs are such a versatile thing too. These lamb & eggplant meatballs could be served with a side of Greek salad, some fried haloumi and warm pita bread to turn it into something more substantial. Or wrapped in pita bread with tzatziki, lettuce and diced tomatoes for a quick lunch. Otherwise, serve as I did – with a large bowl of garlicky tzatziki to dip into and enjoy!

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lamb eggplant meatball


1 medium or 2 small eggplants
2 teaspoons sumac
500g lamb mince
2 cloves garlic, zested or finely chopped/crushed
2 tablespoons panko breadcrumbs
2 tablespoons mint, chopped
2 tablespoons parsley, chopped
2-3 tablespoons pine nuts
1 lemon, zested & juiced
olive oil
salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Cut eggplant in half length ways and score the flesh, around 1cm deep. Place eggplants in a roasting dish and sprinkle with half the sumac, salt and drizzle over some olive oil. Place into oven and roast for 30-40 minutes or until soft.
When cooked, remove eggplants from the oven and allow to cool. remove flesh from the eggplant skin and mash or puree until smooth.
In a large bowl combine lamb mince with the eggplant puree and remaining sumac, garlic, pine nuts, breadcrumbs, herbs, lemon zest and 1-2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Mix well to combine. If the mixture is too wet, more breadcrumbs can be added.
Form the mixture into meatballs. My preference is small bite sized meatballs and this mix males around 30 of this size. Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 18 minutes. Serve immediately with tzatziki.

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