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Barramundi with Broccolini Rice and Ginger Broth

Barramundi with Broccolini Rice and a Ginger Broth

I’m going through a bit of a fresh ginger phase at the moment. Although looking back through my recipes here it’s a recurring theme so maybe it’s not a new phase! It’s going in so many things I’m cooking and I’m really enjoying using it as a prominent flavour. I love the heat and character it gives without the burn of chilli heat. And eating it makes me feel good! So I keep reaching for it! This dish of Barramundi with Broccolini Rice and a Ginger Broth is a classic example of why I love ginger so much. It’s simple and easy to make, packed full of amazing intense flavour and is super healthy to boot. And it’s done in under half an hour – perfect!

I was inspired to make this after reading the most recent delicious. magazine. They had a recipe for steamed fish in a ginger five spice broth and it caught my eye. It embodied everything I love in a spring recipe  – freshness and light eating with a pop of colour and I just had to make my own version. Hence my barramundi with broccolini rice and a ginger broth was born. And I’m already excited about the next time I’m going to cook it!

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Barramundi with Broccolini Rice and Ginger Broth


1 litre chicken stock
1-2 tablespoons fish sauce
1-2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 thumb sized knob of ginger
4 large cloves of garlic
2 x 150-200g skinless barramundi fillets
100g raw rice
1 bunch broccolini, trimmed and cut in half lengthways
6 wombok cabbage leaves, hard core removed and roughly shredded or torn
Coriander to serve


Peel the garlic and thinly slice the ginger and place in a large saucepan along with the stock, fish sauce and soy sauce. Bring to a boil then gently simmer for 10 minutes to allow the flavours to develop.
Strain off about 1 ½ cups of the ginger broth and place into a smaller saucepan with the rice. Cook gently for around 12 minutes, or until rice is cooked. Add a little more liquid during cooking if needed. You want to have a slightly wet rice at the end of the cook.
When the rice is almost cooked, add the fish to the remaining broth. Poach gently (a very slow simmer) for about 5 minutes, or until cooked through. Add the broccolini to the broth for the final 2 minutes of cooking.
To serve, divide the wombok between two serving bowls and place half the rice in each bowl. Place a piece of barramundi in each bowl then top with the broccolini. Pour some additional broth into each bowl and top with coriander leaves.

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