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Slow Cooker Massaman Curry

Slow Cooker Massaman Curry

I’m a huge fan of both curries and anything done in the slow cooker.  And when you combine the two, it really is hard to go wrong. This Slow Cooker Massaman Curry is the perfect example. It’s a super simple curry made using a bought curry paste (or kit) and a few basic ingredients. The beauty of the dish comes from having the long slow cook and you end up with something truly delicious. And the simplicity factor is huge!

Now I quite like using a ready made curry kit rather than just buying a curry paste. I find you often get some extra bits to go into the curry and they are generally full of flavour. My go to these days is the range by Marion’s Kitchen. It comes with the curry paste plus some general store cupboard essentials included. For the Massaman Curry it had the paste, coconut milk, peanuts and some dried herbs. Using a kit such as this makes the whole process even easier as all that was required was the beef, potatoes and onion. It really doesn’t get much easier than that! And her flavours are spot on.

So next time you are looking for a super simple yet delicious curry, give my slow cooker Massaman Curry a try!

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Slow Cooker Massaman Curry


Massaman Curry Paste
1 onion, peeled and sliced
600g diced beef (I used rump)
8 small potatoes, halved
1 cup coconut milk
2-3 tablespoons of unsalted peanuts
Rice and roti bread to serve


Place a couple of tablespoons of the curry paste into the slow cooker with half to two thirds of a cup of water and mix well. Add the onion, beef and potatoes and stir to coat in the curry sauce. Cook on slow for 8 hours.
Half an hour before serving, add the peanuts and coconut milk, stirring well.
Serve over rice with some roti bread on the side.

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