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Briased Fennel & Zucchini with grilled pork steak and cauliflower puree

Braised Fennel & Zucchini

I love fennel. It is one of my favourite vegetables. I go through phases where I use it almost daily in salads, sides or sauces. It’s just delicious! And this braised fennel and zucchini is one of my favourite ways to prepare it.

I love the simplicity of the dish to be honest. It has so few ingredients, takes minimal time to cook yet packs a flavour punch. It’s totally my kind of food. I do mix up the vegetables occasionally, adding in rounds of leek or wedges of red onion. But I do find the simpler you keep it the better in this case.

I do prefer using small fennel bulbs and zucchini when I can get them as they tend to have a sweeter taste. But whatever you can find will work and be delicious!

I generally serve my braised fennel and zucchini with pork but it also works well with chicken, prawns or fish. And it and pairs perfectly with a cauliflower puree or smashed cannellini beans as an extra side dish.

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Briased Fennel & Zucchini with grilled pork steak and cauliflower puree


Olive oil
1 large or 2 small fennel bulbs
2 medium zucchini
3-4 cloves of garlic
1 lemon, juice and zest
1 cup chicken stock
Salt & Pepper


Cut the fennel in half through the heart then cut each half into 4 -8 wedges, depending on size. Cut the zucchini in half lengthways then chop into 2-3 cm pieces. Peel the garlic and smash with the back of your knife.
Heat a large pan over a medium heat. Add a small dash of olive oil and add the fennel wedges. Cook for 1-2 minutes until starting to go golden, then turn over. Add the garlic and zucchini, cut side down, to the pan and continue to cook for a few minutes.
Add the lemon zest, a pinch of salt and pepper and about two thirds of the chicken stock. Bring to a gentle simmer and cook until the vegetables are cooked through and soft. Add more chicken stock through this stage if the liquid has all evaporated. However you want minimal stock left in the pan when the vegetables are cooked through so don’t add too much!
Once cooked, squeeze over the lemon juice and serve immediately. Delicious with cauliflower puree and grilled pork steaks.

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