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Rocket Pesto

Simple Rocket Pesto

A delicious pesto recipe can be such a saviour in the kitchen. They’re quick to make, so full of flavour and can be used in so very many dishes. I do love a traditional pesto, full of basil, toasted pine nuts and Parmesan goodness. However, I find myself experimenting with other herbs and nuts for different flavour profiles depending on what I am cooking or what I have in the fridge. This rocket version has become a regular favourite, with the peppery rocket flavour adding a lovely depth to the pesto.

I tend to make a large batch each time and keep the leftovers in the fridge under oil or in the freezer. As well as being perfect on pasta, be it gnocchi or fettuccine it comes in handy for many other dishes. Toss some steamed green vegetables in a little olive oil and pesto as a delicious dressing. Make a lighter potato salad by omitting the mayonnaise and adding pesto and olive oil. Serve some with your steak instead of a typical sauce. Smear it on toast and top with a poached egg for breakfast. Dollop some on top of your spaghetti bolognaise to give it a different touch.  So many, many options!



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Rocket Pesto


1 bag baby rocket (about 100g)
50g pine nuts
1 clove garlic, rightly chopped
Juice of half a lemon
4 handfuls of Parmesan
1/3 – ½ cup olive oil
Salt to taste
1 tablespoon red wine or sherry vinegar


Place the rocket, pine nuts, garlic, lemon juice, parmesan and a pinch of salt into a food processor and turn on.
With the motor running pour in the olive oil until you reach your desired consistency.
Taste and season with the vinegar and more salt if required. Pesto is now ready to be used.
Store any leftover pesto in the fridge in an airtight container with a layer of olive oil over the surface for 7-10 days. Alternatively you can store portions of pesto in the freezer – I use jumbo ice cube trays for this.

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