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Red Lentils with Zucchini 

Red Lentils with Zucchini

Anyone else out there love lentils? They are delicious! And there is so much you can do with them! Some people only think of dahl when you mention lentils but that is doing the whole food group a disservice. Yes a dahl is amazing but lentils can do so much more. They’re great in salads, soups or stews and this Red Lentils with Zucchini recipe is one of my favourites. It’s especially great because it’s a delicious quick and easy vegetarian meal that is hearty and filling to eat. What more could you want?

I also love the simplicity of the dish. With not much more in it that lentils, zucchini and tomato the end result is far tastier than you would expect. And it is a dish that everything goes into the pot and it pretty much looks after itself. Perfect for weeknights when you need some thing warming and hearty but easy to put together. And it’s a great one if you are all eating at different times due to afternoon  commitments – it can be re-heated and served without affecting the quality of the dish!

Now I like to have the red lentils with zucchini as a straight vegetarian dish but you could add some grilled chicken or lamb on the side if you wanted to make it even more robust. However you serve it , I suspeect it will quickly become a favourite.

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Red Lentils with Zucchini 


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 red onion, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, crushed
2 medium zucchinis, quartered lengthways then sliced thinly
1 1/2 cups dried red lentils
3 cups chicken stock
1 tin of diced tomatoes
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
1-2 tablespoons red wine/sherry vinegar or lemon juice)
Salt & pepper
Sour cream, lemon and coriander to serve


Place olive oil, garlic and sliced onion into a large saucepan and sautee over a medium heat for a few minutes, until the onion is becoming soft and translucent.
Add the zucchini and cook for another minute or two.
Add the lentils and stir well. Add the tin of tomatoes, the mustard and two cups of the chicken stock. Stir to combine then simmer over a low heat for around 25 minutes, or until the lentils are cooked through.
Once cooked, season well with salt and pepper and stir through the vinegar or lemon juice.
Serve topped with a tablespoon of sour cream, some coriander and a squeeze of lemon juice.

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