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Pasta with Broccoli Capers & Lemon

Pasta with Broccoli Capers & Lemon

This pasta with Broccoli Capers & Lemon is the ultimate in quick, easy and delicious. On the table in less than half an hour and full of freshness, it is the perfect mid week dinner.

It’s the type of meal you can throw together when you think you have nothing in the fridge. As long as you have broccoli, the remaining ingredients are more often than in most kitchens. Or substitute the broccoli for whatever green vegetable you do have and it will still be delicious.

I first cooked it when I was clearing out the fridge before an holiday. Other than the staples, all I really had was broccoli. I was determined that I didn’t need to go to the supermarket to eat. Pasta is always a good option for a fridge clear out meal and this was no exception. And it turned into this delicious bowl of pasta with broccoli lemon and capers.  It just shows that keeping it simple is such a good way to cook when you can.

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Pasta with Broccoli Capers & Lemon


About 200g dry pasta
Pasta, about 200g dry pasta
3 cloves of garlic
1 small head of garlic, about 2 loose cups of florets
1 tablespoon capers
1-2 tablespoons pine nuts
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Salt & pepper
Parmesan to serve


Bring a large pot of water to the boil. Cook the pasta as per the packet instructions.
While the pasta is cooking, cut the broccoli into small even florets and slice the garlic thinly.
Heat a frying pan to medium and add a couple of good glugs of olive oil. Gently fry the garlic for a couple of minutes. You want it to be fragrant and just starting to colour but not turning deep golden. Add the pine nuts and cook for another minute before adding the capers, lemon zest and juice. Stir well then remove from the heat.
When there are three (3) minutes left add the broccoli to the pot cooking the pasta. Drain the pasta and broccoli when cooked and return to the saucepan, reserving a little of the pasta water.
Stir through the garlic, lemon and caper sauce, adding a little of the cooking water and more olive oil if needed. Taste then season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately topped with Parmesan cheese.

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