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Parmesan Crackers

Parmesan Crackers

I seriously love my cheese. All cheese. There’s no such thing as a cheese I won’t eat. And there is rarely a day when I don’t have cheese in some form or another. So it’s makes sense that I love to cook with cheese. These Parmesan Crackers tick all the boxes for me when it comes to cheesiness. They are an amazing kind of savoury shortbread, rich and decadent and full of delicious cheese flavours. They’re crumbly in texture and melt in your mouth to eat. They are just divine!

I love that the parmesan crackers are pretty versatile too. They are extremely moorish on their own or perfect as part of an epic cheese and fruit grazing platter. I particularly love them with creamy blue cheese and slice of tart and crunchy green apple. They also make for an excellent dipper into a creamy mushroom or cauliflower soup, or crumbled over a pasta for some bitey, parmesan crunch. And they are extremely hard to eat just one of! I even find myself snacking on them out of the cupboard once I have made a batch.

And the best thing – they keep well in a airtight container for a couple of weeks.

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Parmesan Crackers


200g cold butter, diced
170g plain flour
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/2 cup finely grated cheddar cheese
1/2 cup finely grated parmesan cheese
Good pinch of salt


Place all the ingredients into a food processor and process until just combined. Tip the mixture onto the bench and use your hands to bring it together and form into a ball. The mixture will be very crumbly but will get there.
Divide the mixture in half and shape each portion into a long sausage shape around 3 cm wide. Roll in baking paper (or cling wrap) and place into the fridge for at least an hour.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. While the oven is heating, remove the logs from the fridge, discard the baking paper they are wrapped in and slice into half centimetre rounds. Place each biscuit onto a baking paper lined tray then bake for around 15 minutes or until lightly golden. Remove from the oven and cool on a wire rack.
Tip: use a sushi mat to help get the even shape of the biscuits. Once the mixture is in a rough sausage shape, wrap in the baking paper (or cling wrap) then use the sushi mat to roll into a smooth and even log.

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