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Chocolate Mousse

Chocolate Mousse

This Chocolate Mousse recipe is legendary within my family. The recipe came to us from a family friend who lived in our street when I was growing up. She is an amazing French lady who loves to cook, and while living in Australia she loved sharing recipes from home. I can remember many a meal that she cooked, from lentil stews to this fantastic mustard tart. But her Chocolate Mousse has always been the ultimate!

It is one of those dishes that show how you can make something truly amazing with very few ingredients. The real secret to this mousse is to take care. Don’t rush the process, take all the time you need to get the egg yolks whipped just so, to get the sugar completely dissolved and the whites folded in ever so gently. The end result gives you a mousse that is rich and decadent with an almost velvety fudge like texture. It’s amazing!


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Chocolate Mousse


180g dark chocolate (70% cocoa)
6 eggs
140g white sugar
3/4 cup cream


Melt the chocolate gently in either the microwave or in a bowl over simmering water.
Separate the eggs. Place the yolks into the bowl of a stand mixer or a large mixing bowl. Beat the yolks until pale and creamy - this will take around 5 minutes.
Add the sugar, melted chocolate and cream to the yolks and continue beating until the sugar has completely dissolved.
Place the egg whites into another large bowl / standmixer and whisk until stiff peaks form.
Fold one third of the egg whites through the chocolate mixture, ensuring that the whites are completely incorporated. Repeat in two or three more batches taking care to fold in the egg whites gently to avoid knocking the air out of the mixture.
Place in the fridge for at least 4 hours or until set. Serve with thick cream or creme fraiche and raspberries.

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