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Broccolini Soup

Broccolini Soup

I was out tidying the vegetable garden yesterday after neglecting it for a week. There was an armful of tomatoes, a few zucchini and more broccolini than I could’ve imagined! The broccolini was ready to flower so needed to be picked and used. Given the cooler weather at the moment, a Broccolini Soup seemed the perfect answer to the abundance of produce!

It was one of those soups that all came together on the fly while I cooled dinner for the girls. First was an onion and garlic softening in the pot. Next was the broccolini and some stock. I looked in the fridge and found a few stray mushrooms – in they went too. Oh there’s half a bag of baby spinach – perfect to blend into the soup at the end. Then I saw the tomatoes and thought it would add another layer of freshness along with some lemon juice to give the zing.

All up the soup took less than fifteen minutes to make and the flavour was incredible. So fresh, so green and super healthy. And I love that it went from growing in the garden to eating in under an hour.

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Broccolini Soup


1 brown onion, roughly chopped
4 large cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped
2-3 bunches of broccolini or 1 head of broccoli
3 medium mushroom, chopped
3 C chicken stock
1/2 bag baby spinach
1 medium tomato
juice of 1 lemon
salt and lots of pepper


Place the onion and garlic in a large saucepan with a splash of water and pinch of salt and cook down until soft.
Add in the broccolini (or broccoli) along with the mushrooms and stock. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and cover then simmer for around 5 minutes or until the broccolini is just tender.
Add the spinach and tomato to a blender along with as much pepper as you like. Pour over the cooked vegetables and stock and process until smooth. Squeeze in the lemon juice and give another quick blend to mix through.
Serve on it's own, with crusty bread or topped with shredded chicken breast to make the soup more substantial.

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