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Tacos Family Style

Tacos Family Style

Taco night in our house is everyone’s favourite. We all love it! And it really is the prefect family meal. I serve my tacos family style so everyone can pick what they want on their creations and it’s a winner. It’s also a great meal to get the  kids involved in preparing dinner. They can help grate carrots and cheese, mash avocados, stir the mince or tear up some lettuce. And we all know they if they have helped make the food they will be more likely to eat it!

I find that serving the tacos family style gives so many options.  And allows for plenty of variety in the fillings. As well as the taco mince I will have cheese, carrot, lettuce, tomatoes, guacamole or avocado, sour cream, refried beans and  coriander laid out as filling options.  As well as providing options it is a great way to get the girls to eat some extra veggies or try something new!

My girls both tackle their tacos quite differently. Miss 5 piles a bit of everything into her soft shell then goes for it, making a huge mess along the way but enjoying every bite.  Miss 3 is less adventurous having only meat, cheese and carrot in her taco. But we are finding that she might try a bit of avocado or lettuce as she goes to be like the rest of us. She likes to make her taco but then eat all the filling before munching away on her soft shell. Hubby and I mix it up too. I’m a taco shell girl and make mine exactly the same every time. He likes to mix up hard and soft shells or wraps, and will fill it whatever takes his fancy at the time.

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Tacos Family Style


600g lean beef mince
1 pkt taco seasoning
grated carrots
grated cheese
shredded lettuce
diced tomatoes
avocado, mashed with lime juice (or guacamole)
sour cream
tin of refried beans
small tin or corn (optional)
taco shells and burritos


Heat a large frying pan and brown the mince, making sure to break up the mince to prevent lumps. Add the taco seasoning and 3/4 cup of water. Stir well then simmer for around 5 minutes or until mince is cooked through and the sauce has thickened. Optional: add in the drained tin of corn kernels along with the seasoning for some added veggies.
While the mince is cooking, prepare the other ingredients. Shred the lettuce, grate the carrot and cheese, chop the tomatoes, mash the avocado. Arrange the prepared food on a serving platter or in bowls ready to serve.
Heat the refried beans as per the instructions on the tin. Warm the taco shells or burritos ready for serving. transfer the cooked mince to a serving dish.
To serve, arrange all the prepared ingredients on the table, family style along with sour cream and salsa. Make sure there are plenty of spoons available to make individual taco creation easier.

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