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Slow Cooker Beef and Mushroom Pot Roast

Slow Cooker Beef and Mushroom Pot Roast

I love my slow cooker at this time of year. There is so much you can do with it from curries to stews to pasta sauces. And when the weather turns cold and your time is poor, it becomes your best friend in the kitchen!  This Slow Cooker Beef and Mushroom Pot Roast is an absolute favourite.

It’s full of the flavours of a beef stroganoff, but much lighter with out the sour cream or bacon. The combination of both smoked and sweet paprika give a depth of flavour that you wouldn’t think possible. And the earthiness that comes from a long slow cook of all those mushrooms is amazing.

It’s a super simple slow cooker recipe too – just throw it all in together and let it do its thing. Sure you could sear the beef first but I tend to not bother with this one as this difference in minimal. I will often cook the slow cooker beef and mushroom pot roast overnight and then it’s ready to go the next evening. I can tell you the smell in the house is amazing to wake up to!

If you can’t get hold of a piece of roast beef, feel free to substitute chunks of diced beef instead. It won’t need quite so long to cook but otherwise will taste just as amazing!

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Slow Cooker Beef and Mushroom Pot Roast


1-1.2 kg lean beef roast (topside)
600g mixed mushrooms, roughly chopped
2 small red onions, sliced
1 medium to large carrot, diced
1 stick of celery, diced
4 cloves of garlic, peeled and smashed
1 tablespoon tomato paste
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
2 generous teaspoons paprika, preferably a mix of smoked and sweet paprika if you have both
1-2 cups beef stock
A few sprigs of parsley
Pinch of salt and pepper


Place the onions, garlic, carrot and celery into the bowl of a slow cooker. Add the paprika, Dijon mustard, tomato paste and stock along with a good pinch of salt and grind of pepper. Stir well to combine all the ingredients.
Place half the mushrooms and the parsley into the pot, followed by the beef then remaining mushrooms.
Cover and cook on the low setting for 10 hours.
Once cooked, slice or shred the beef and return to the mushroom sauce. Serve over cauliflower puree, pasta or mashed potatoes with a side of steamed greens.
Slow Cooker Beef and Mushroom Pot Roast
Note: you can substitute the roast beef for cubed beef in the recipe. It won’t need as long to cook – only 7-8 hours on low.

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