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I know that Christmas is nowhere near coming but it’s been on my mind of late. Family plans for this year are starting to take shape which means I’ve started thinking about the Christmas food. Panforte always features and I stumbled across a hidden supply in the back of the fridge last night so thought I would share my recipe and how it came about.

A few years back I was looking for sweet treats I could make as Christmas gifts when I discovered the joys of Panforte. It sounded like something my husband would love, full of dried fruits and nuts with a distinctly chocolate overtone so I gave it a try. And boy was it a hit! Family and friends all around Australia enjoyed some that Christmas and I’m still getting requests to make more each Christmas. Last year

My husband now complains that I don’t make enough each year and that he isn’t getting his share of Panforte love! It really has become a staple of my Christmas cooking.

The original recipe is one from Stephanie Alexander and my recipe below is based off hers. The overall concept and balance is similar however my version varies the fruit and nut mix along with the spicing.

The recipe does make a large batch but don’t let that put you off.  I generally get ten to twelve moderate sized or five to six large pieces of Panforte out of each batch. And when it is best served sliced wafer thin, a little does go a long way.

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300g macadamias
300g pistachios, shelled
200g whole blanched almonds
300g mixed peel
200g dried figs
150g dried apricots
100g dried pears
100g currants
100 raisins
200g plain flour
2 tablespoons good quality cocoa powder
300g dark chocolate, 70% cocoa
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg,
1/2 teaspoon salt flakes
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
300g honey
200g castor sugar
2 tablespoons water


Preheat your oven to 160 degrees. Line a 23cm square cake pan with baking paper and set aside.
Slice the figs, apricots and pears into smaller pieces and coarsely chop the chocolate. Combine all the dried fruit in a large bowl with the nuts, mixed peel, flour, cocoa, chocolate and spices. Mix well to combine.
Combine the honey, sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a gentle boil.
Pour the honey & sugar mixture over the fruit and nut mixture and stir well. It make take some stirring but there is enough liquid to bind the mix together.
Place the mixture into the prepared pan and press down well. This can be done using a spoon or with lightly oiled hands. Carefully though as the mixture may be hot! Bake in the preheated oven for around 35 minutes or until the surface of the Panforte has blistered.
Leave the Panforte in the pan to cool. Once completely cool, remove from the pan and cut into portions. I tend to divide it into 5 or 6 long 'logs' of panforte at this stage. Each log needs to be covered in cling wrap then foil.
To serve, slice the panforte thinly. It can be eaten as is or can be toasted in an oven to dry out into a delicious fruit nut wafer biscuit.

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