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One Pan Mediterranean Lamb with Green Salsa

One Pan Mediterranean Lamb with Green Salsa

Who doesn’t love an easy one pan dinner? They are the best! There’s nothing quite like putting all the ingredients into one dish and popping it into the oven knowing that dinner is sorted. And this One Pan Mediterranean Lamb with Green Salsa is a perfect example of how tasty this type of cooking can be. It really is so simple.

The flavours are classic Mediterranean flavours. Lamb, garlic, tomatoes, zucchini, haloumi, olive and lemon. What more do you need? They really do just work perfectly together. Add in a pop off freshness from the green salsa and you have a winning flavour combination.

Now I know the salsa technically makes this more than a one pot meal but it is worth making. You can use a store bought dip or pesto if you  don’t  have the ingredients. But you will never regret making the salsa yourself. You really can be flexible in the green flavours you use – I mix it up depending on what I have on hand. I do like to use some mint in the mix though as it lends itself to the lamb and lemon so well. But otherwise – have a play with flavours and see what you like!

Now I’ve put the recipe here for 2 but it can easily be upsized for 4 or 6. You may need to spread it over two baking trays to keep the cooking of the veg and haloumi just right but otherwise the recipe remains unchanged.

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One Pan Mediterranean Lamb with Green Salsa


2 lamb backstraps, about 150-200g each
1 packet haloumi, cut into a 2cm dice
10 baby zucchini (halved) or 2 medium zucchini (quartered and then cut into segments)
2 good handfuls of baby roma or cherry tomatoes
2 tablespoons of kalamata olives
6-8 garlic cloves
2 handfuls of mixed herbs or greens – I used mint and kale but you can use parsley, basil, spinach or coriander in the mix as well.
1 tablespoon cashews
1 lemon
Olive oil
Soy sauce
Salt and pepper


Preheat oven to 220 degrees.
Remove the lamb from the packaging and drizzle with a little olive oil. Rub 1-2 teaspoons of sumac over the two lamb pieces and set aside.
Place the tomatoes, garlic, zucchini, haloumi and olives into a large baking tray. Drizzle with a little olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper and mix well.
Place the lamb in amongst the vegetable mix and pop the tray into the oven. Cook for around 15 minutes or until the lamb is cooked to your liking.
Lamb and Veg - pre oven
While the lamb is cooking, make the green salsa. Place the herbs and greens into a food processor along with the cashews, juice of half a lemon, a splash of soy sauce and about ¼ cup of olive oil. Process until you get your desired consistency. Check for seasoning – you may need to add a little more lemon or salt at this stage or olive oil if you want a looser sauce.
Remove the lamb when cooked and cover with foil to rest. Return the vegetables to the oven for an additional 5 minutes to allow the zucchini to cook through and the haloumi to soften.
Remove the vegetables from the oven when cooked and squeeze over the other half of the lemon. Divide the vegetables and haloumi between two plates. Slice each lamb backstrap and place alongside the vegetables and top with a generous serve of the green salsa.

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