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Nigella’s Cupcakes

Once you have children, you quickly realise how important it is to have a go-to cupcake recipe on hand. They get requested often and can be the perfect answer to boredom on a cold or rainy day. I tried many a cupcake before my sister put me onto these ones. They are Nigella’s basic cupcake recipe and really are foolproof.

With everything going into the food processor to mix, the batter is ready in just minutes. Taking under 20 minutes to cook they are fast enough to keep small people interested. I tend to make the icing while the cupcakes are cooling as it again will keep the kids entertained – my oldest loves to watch the butter mixing and will pass commentary on the colour changing! By the time the icing is ready the cakes should be close to cool enough to ice.

They keep well in the fridge for a few days – if they last that long! Its best to bring them to room temperature for half an hour or so before eating which softens bother the cake and icing. I have also frozen the un-iced cupcakes which can also come in handy.

Nigella's Cupcakes


Generally I would just do one colour of icing, but the cupcakes pictured on the left were a request for rainbow cupcakes.   we agreed on two colours. To do the swirl, I popped each of the coloured icings into a separate freezer bag then put both into large piping bag with nozzle attached. Then it’s just a matter of cutting the ends off and icing as you normally would, making sure you are squeezing  both colours in the bag. My girls are fans of edible glitter at the moment so a sprinkle of fairy dust on the top is a must!

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125 g self raising flour
125 g castor sugar
125 g unsalted butter at room temperature
2 eggs
½ - 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
2 tablespoons milk
150g butter, at room temperature
2 cups icing sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Splash of milk
Food colouring, cake decorations


Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Line a muffin tray with cup cake liners. Makes 24 mini or 12 standard sized cupcakes.
Place butter, sugar, flour, vanilla and eggs into a food processor and whiz until combined. Add the milk down the funnel with the motor running and mix until just combined.
Divide the mixture evenly between the cupcake liners - about a spoonful in each for standard cupcakes. There will be just enough so don't overfill the liners!
Bake for around 17 minutes – the cupcakes should be turning gold and just cooked through.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely on a cake rack.
For the icing, place the butter into a stand mixer and beat for 10 minutes or until very pale.
Add the icing sugar and mix on a low speed to combine. Add the vanilla and increase speed to medium and beat for another 5 minutes. Mix in a splash of milk to loosen the mixture – about a tablespoon.
If making multiple colours of icing, divide the icing between bowls. Add food colouring and mix well to achieve your desired colours.
Place the icing into a piping bag with nozzle attached and pipe the icing onto the cupcakes. Be generous – everyone loves a good amount of icing!
If not eating immediately, keep cakes in the fridge. Remove from fridge about half an hour before eating to allow the cakes to come to room temperature and the icing to soften.
    • Jo
    • August 3, 2018

    These were delicious! And love the tip about how to do 2 coloured swirl icing.

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