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Lamb Meatball Tray Bake

Lamb Meatball Tray Bake

This Lamb Meatball Tray Bake recipe combines two of my favourite things. Meatballs and single pan cooking.  And I think most people would agree that you can’t go wrong with either! Just about everyone – young or old, loves a good meatball. And the simplicity of being able to cook a meal with everything in one pan makes this type of coking ideal for any occasion. Combining the two just makes sense to me. Especially when the end result is so tasty!

The flavours in this dish are loosely Mediterranean. There’s lamb, mint, lemon and sumac coupled with the classic garlic, tomato and zucchini. It’s divine. And through the cooking process you end up with a tray full of intensely delicious flavour. The squeeze of fresh lemon over it all at the end  ties everything together and makes the dish truly sing!

I love to serve the lamb meatball tray bake with a simple rocket salad for an easy healthy dinner. Or add in some olives, fetta or grilled haloumi for a little bit of extra love. The meatballs and vegetables work exceptionally well over pasta or rice for a more hearty meal. And any of the leftover vegetables make a delightful addition to a lunchtime salad or wrap.

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Lamb Meatball Tray Bake


600g lamb mince
3 tablespoons tomato paste
2-3 tablespoons finely chopped mint leaves
3-4 teaspoons sumac
4 cloves of garlic, crushed
Salt & pepper
3 medium zucchini
6-8 roma tomatoes
1 head of garlic
3-4 sprigs of mint, additional


Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees.
Place the mince, tomato paste, mint, sumac, garlic, lemon zest and a good pinch of salt and pepper into a bowl. Using your hands, mix well to incorporate all ingredients together. Form 12 meatballs and place into a large baking tray.
Cut the tomatoes into quarters and add to the baking tray. Halve the zucchini lengthways then cut into 2cm chunks and add to the tray around the meatballs. Place the head of garlic and additional mint sprigs into the tray.
Bake in the oven for around 35-40 minutes, or until the meatballs are cooked and vegetables softened. Squeeze over the juice of the lemon and gently stir the meatballs and vegetables.
Serve with a rocket salad, with a side of rice or over pasta. Olives, fetta or grilled haloumi can be added if desired.

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