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Healthy Chicken Fajitas

Healthy Chicken Fajitas

These healthy Chicken Fajitas are the perfect weeknight dish. They are quick and easy to make, full of freshness and flavour and healthy as well. That all sounds perfect to me! Even better is that they are family friendly with big and little kids enjoying them equally.

I have also made this recipe with beef strips rather than the chicken. It’s also delicious! I’d be hard pressed to pick which is my favourite to be honest.

I haven’t included the instructions to make the guacamole in the recipe as I figure most people have a go to recipe of their own. My standard recipe is here and it’s a great starting point. For the fajitas I do tend to load up my guacamole adding diced tomatoes, coriander and spring onions. This just gives extra flavour and texture – always a winner with any dish!


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Healthy Chicken Fajitas


500g chicken breast
1/2 teaspoon chilli powder
1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme or oregano
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon smoked paprika
1 teaspoon chicken stock powder
1 cob corn
1 red onion
1 red capsicum
1 lime, juice only
Lettuce leaves or burritos to serve


Slice the chicken into strips about 1cm wide.
Combine all the spices in a medium bowl and mix together. Add in the chicken and stir well to ensure that the chicken is coated in the spice mix. Set aside while you prepare the other ingredients.
Remove the outer husk from the corn and wrap in a layer of paper towel (I would usually use two sheets wrapped around the corn). Wet the paper towel then place into the microwave on high for 3-4 minutes. Remove from microwave and set aside.
Thinly slice the capsicum and red onion. Prepare the guacamole to your liking. My preference is a chunky loaded guacamole filled with diced tomatoes, coriander and spring onions and packing a chilli lime punch. Cut the kernels off the cob of corn.
To cook the fajitas, heat a non-stick pan to hot. Add the chicken and cook, stirring often til almost cooked which will take a couple of minutes. Add the capsicum and red onion along with about a quarter of a cup of water. Keep cooking and stirring often until the vegetables have softened and the chicken is cooked through. Stir through the corn and lime juice, and a handful of coriander if you have it.
Serve in a bowl with lettuce leaves or small burritos and a generous serve of guacamole.

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