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easy lemon curd

Easy Lemon Curd

Lemons really are amazing. Such a delicious and versatile fruit that can be used in so very many ways. I love that it lends itself equally to sweet things and savoury dishes of all varieties. It’s a rare day that I don’t have a couple of lemons lurking in my fruit bowl. One of my favourite things to make when I have a surplus of lemons is make a batch of this easy lemon curd. It’s simple and easy to make and can be used so many ways.

Swirl it through cream on top of a pavlova or spread it on toast. Use it as a filling in the middle of a sponge cake or fill ready made tart shells for a quick and easy dessert. It’s delicious with Greek yoghurt and fresh berries – the perfect summer dessert! Just having some in my fridge makes me smile as I know I can use it in so many ways. And the recipe is virtually fool proof!

This recipe below is adapted from the curd recipe I discovered in a Matt Moran pavlova recipe a few years ago. I’ve made it quite a few times since and have tweaked the recipe slightly but it never fails to disappoint. And it keeps so well in the fridge for those days when you need a quick and easy sweet treat. My Easy Lemon Curd Tartlets are the perfect example of how it can come in handy!

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easy lemon curd


110g butter
Zest of 2 lemons
1/2 cup of lemon juice
1 cup sugar
2 whole eggs + 1 egg yolk


Place the butter, sugar, lemon zest and juice in a glass bowl set over a pot of simmering water. Make sure that the bowl is not touching the water. Stir the mixture frequently until all the sugar has dissolved, around 8 minutes.
Remove the bowl from the heat and whisk in the whole eggs and additional yolk until completely incorporated.
Place the bowl back over the simmering water and continue to cook, gently whisking or stirring almost continuously until the curd has thickened. This will take about 15 minutes.
Remove from the simmering water and set aside to cool. To prevent a skin forming on the curd as it cools, place a layer of cling wrap directly onto the surface of the curd.
The curd can be used immediately or kept in an airtight container in the fridge for a couple of months.

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