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Chicken with Broccolini, Haloumi, Macadamias and Mint

Chicken with Broccolini Haloumi Macadamias and Mint

I love quick and easy food that packs a flavour punch. To me there’s nothing better than eating a meal that sings in your mouth and hasn’t required a massive effort to cook. This Chicken with Broccolini Haloumi Macadamias and Mint dish is one such recipe.

It’s a meal that can be described as Spring on a plate. Simple grilled chicken, a few lightly steamed green vegetables and a zingy mint dressing to tie it all together. Add in some crunch and texture with the macadamias and extra flavour with the haloumi and you end up with a flavour bomb in a bowl. It’s just so good! And it’s light to eat which is an added bonus!

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Chicken with Broccolini, Haloumi, Macadamias and Mint


2 chicken breasts, skin off
1 tablespoon sumac
1-2 lemons, zest and juice
A good handful of mint leaves
A good handful of rocket, kale or spinach
1/2 clove garlic
6-8 pitted green olives
1 tablespoon capers
1 bunch broccolini
Handful of green beans
100 g haloumi, sliced into 6 slices
A handful or two of salted, roasted macadamias
Salt & pepper
Olive oil


Mix the sumac, zest of 1 lemon, a pinch of salt and pepper and about 2 tablespoons olive oil together in a small bowl. Trim the chicken breasts (if needed) then rub the marinade all over. Set aside for 15 minutes (if you have the time).
Cook the chicken breasts to your liking. I like to oven grill mine, but you could also steam, roast, pan fry or bbq depending on how you like them. They will take 20-30 minutes to cook depending on your method and the size of the chicken breasts.
To make the mint dressing, place the mint, rocket, capers, olives, garlic and juice of 1 lemon into a small food processor along with about 1/4 cup of olive oil. Process until everything is combined but still textured. Taste, and add more lemon juice or olive oil if needed.
When the chicken is almost cooked, cook the haloumi in a little olive oil over high heat. Once golden on both sides, squeeze over the juice of half a lemon. Steam the broccolini and beans for a few minutes until just cooked – you still want some crunch in the vegetables.
To serve, drain the vegetables then toss in a tablespoon or two of the mint sauce to coat well. Divide between two plates. Slice the chicken breasts and divide between the plates with the vegetables. Place three slices of the haloumi on each plate and sprinkle over some macadamias. Spoon the remaining sauce over the chicken breasts and serve immediately.

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