Tomato, Rocket & Prosciutto Linguine
Last week I made the most amazing batch of confit tomatoes. They were like little flavour bombs in your mouth. And all week the leftovers in the fridge were calling out to me to turn into a pasta. This Confit Tomato Rocket & Prosciutto Linguine is the final result.
It turned out as one of those bowls of food you don’t want to end. Every bite was packed full of flavour – fresh, savoury, earthy, salty and zingy all at once. It still makes me salivate just thinking back to it! And the best thing is that is really is a simple dish to make. Less than 15 minutes to pull together and nothing complicated about it. Just every day ingredients turned into amazing flavours. My speciality!
And don’t be put off if you haven’t made a batch of confit tomatoes. It would work just as well with using bought semi dried tomatoes in oil in their place.