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Teriyaki Beef Broccolini & Mushroom Stir fry

Teriyaki Beef, Broccolini & Mushroom Stir Fry

This Teriyaki Beef, Broccolini & Mushroom Stir Fry is an amazing quick and tasty week night meal. It’s simple in its ingredients, fast to cook, yet packed full of flavour. It really is a meal that is on the table in under half an hour. And it’s a great one for kids and adults alike.

Use the recipe as a guide rather than a strict set of instructions too. If you can’t get shiitake or Swiss brown mushrooms, substitute with another variety. Enoki, oyster or just plain button mushrooms will all work in the recipe. I  do like using two different types of mushroom for the textural difference  but you can use just one if that’s what you have. Similarly, if you can’t get or don’t like broccolini, use something else green! Zucchini, beans, snow peas or shredded wombok cabbage would all be delicious. The focus is more on just a few simple vegetables and the meat rather than complicating the stir fry with too many ingredients.

So next time you are stuck for something quick and easy that is healthy as well as family friendly, give my teriyaki beef, broccolini & mushroom stir fry a go!


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Teriyaki Beef Broccolini & Mushroom Stir fry


300g rump steak
4 tablespoons teriyaki sauce
2-3 cloves garlic, crushed
1-2 teaspoons grated ginger
Dried chilli flakes to taste (optional)
1 bunch broccolini
100g fresh shiitake mushrooms
100g swiss brown mushrooms
A few drops of sesame oil
Coriander, lime juice and rice to serve


Trim the beef of all fat and slice thinly across the grain. Place in a bowl with the teriyaki sauce, garlic, ginger and chilli (if using) and mix well. Allow to marinate for at least 10 minutes.
Thinly slice the mushrooms. Trim the ends off the broccolini and cut each stalk in half lengthways. Place into a microwave safe bowl with a splash of water and cover with cling wrap. Microwave the broccolini for 2-3 minutes on high to partially cook. Remove and drain.
Heat a large wok or frypan until very hot. Add a few drops of sesame oil to the pan along with the beef. Stir fry, stirring often until the beef is almost cooked. Add in the mushrooms and broccolini along with any leftover marinade from the beef and continue cooking until the mushrooms are wilted and beef just cooked through.
Serve over rice with a squeeze of lemon juice and a handful of coriander.

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