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steak salad

Steak & Salad

Some nights a really quick and easy dinner is all that there is energy for but you still want something tasty and a little bit healthy too. I had one of those nights not that long ago. Hubby was away for work, it had been a long day with the girls and by the time they were in bed and I contemplated dinner there was not a lot of enthusiasm for cooking. Raiding the fridge I found a lovely piece of eye fillet and some fresh salad things – perfect for a simple steak and salad bowl.

To keep it interesting I made sure I seasoned the steak well before cooking and used a nice sherry vinegar for the salad dressing. Simple things, but they do make an improvement when cooking a relatively plain dish such as steak and salad. Try and not overcook the steak either – no more than medium for a steak salad like this. And allow time for the steak to rest before slicing it to serve. I also like to take a bit of care when dishing up my meals as it does make a difference. We eat with our eyes first and food that looks appealing will always taste better in my opinion.

After I’d eaten this meal I was so pleased I had made the effort to cook. I had dinner on the table for myself in under 15 minutes and felt nourished. So much better than cheese on toast which had been the alternative!

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steak salad


1 eye fillet steak, about 150-200g
1t olive oil
seasoned salt to taste - about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon.
rocket - large handful
6-8 cherry tomatoes
1/2 small avocado
1T sherry vinegar


Remove steak from the fridge and rub the olive oil over the surface. Season both sides of the steak with either a seasoned salt (you can get these at most supermarkets these days) or salt and pepper.
Heat a small fry pan over a high heat until very hot. Add the steak and cook to your liking. For a medium to medium rare steak of around 1 inch/2.5cm thickness I would cook for 2 1/2 to 3 minutes per side. Then cover and allow to rest in a warm place for a further 5-6 minutes while you make the salad.
For the salad, chop the tomatoes in half or quarters depending on size and dice the avocado. Combine with the rocket and sherry vinegar and toss gently to combine.
To serve, place the salad in the base of a shallow bowl. Slice the steak into 1cm slices and lay these on top of the salad. Pour over any meat juices and enjoy!

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