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Spanish Tortilla

Gosh I love a piece of tortilla. It’s the perfect simple dish with so few ingredients but packed full of flavour. It’s amazing as part of a Spanish Feast, served warm or cold with a selection of other delicious delights. Or just as wonderful on its own with a fresh green salad to accompany.

And like so many dishes I cook, the tortilla is so versatile. This particular recipe is simplicity plus with just eggs, potato, onion and a hint of cheese. But you can add in so many other flavours depending on what you like. Roast red capsicum adds a delicious sweetness, fried chorizo adds a salty, smokey meatiess or go rogue and add mushrooms and zucchini to up the vegetables.

I love that you can eat tortilla hot, warm or cold and it is delicious any which way. Serve straight from the oven, leave to cool to room temperature or refrigerate and serve cold. Each way tastes different and is amazing in itself.

No matter how you cook it or then eat it, whether traditional or not, a baked potato and egg tortilla is  something quite delicious!

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1 brown onion
3 large potatoes, about 600 grams
5 eggs
Grated Manchego cheese, about a handful
Olive Oil


Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Slice the onion and potato very thin, using a mandolin if you have one.
Heat a large oven proof pan with 2-3 glugs of olive oil. Add the onion and gently cook for about 5 minutes until they have softened, but not started to colour.
Add the potatoes along with another glug of oil and cook for another 10 minutes until the potatoes are almost cooked, stirring gently.
Crack the eggs into a separate bowl and whisk well to combine, adding a pinch of salt and the Manchego cheese.
Add the potato and onion mix to the eggs and stir well. Pour back into the pan and cook gently over a medium heat for around 5-6 minutes until the bottom has browned. Place the pan into the oven and cook for around 10 minutes or until the tortilla is golden and the eggs are set.
Leave to cool in the pan for at least 10 minutes. The tortilla can be served immediately, at room temperature or cold – it is delicious all three ways! Just slice and top with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of parsley.

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