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Rare Tuna with Broccolini Avocado Salad

Rare Tuna with Broccolini Avocado Salad

This Rare Tuna with Broccolini Avocado Salad is seriously amazing. It’s so fresh and healthy and absolutely packed full of flavour. And oh so light to eat. Plus it is super fast to cook too which makes it all the better. A perfect dish in my opinion!

It came about on a weekend when both my husband and I had been struggling with a virus of some sort. No energy, aching bodies and a general feeling of bleurgh all round. So food and cooking were the last thing I felt like. But we have a regular food theme in our house – Seafood Sunday and we were both keen to have a light seafood meal.

The fresh tuna looked amazing at the fishmonger so that was a given. It made me think of a classic Nicoise Salad which led me down the path to the final dish. And I can say that the tuna with broccolini avocado salad that resulted was an amazing taste sensation!

For anyone that doesn’t like tuna, crazy cats that you are, the dish would work just as well with grilled chicken, fish or prawns. Actually just about anything!

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Rare Tuna with Broccolini Avocado Salad


2 x 150-200g tuna steaks
1 bunch broccolini
½ small red onion
1 medium avocado
Coriander and mint – a handful of each
1 tablespoon capers
Juice of 1 lemon
Sherry or red wine vinegar
Dash of soy sauce
Salt & pepper


Season each side of the tuna steaks with a pinch of salt and generous amount of pepper. Set aside while preparing the other ingredients.
Finely slice the red onion and place in a small bowl with the juice of half a lemon. This will ‘quick pickle’ the onion which removes the rawness and improves the flavour.
Cut each broccolini into 2 or 3 stalks and place in a microwave safe bowl with a splash of water. Cover and microwave for 2-3 minutes or until just softened. Drain and set aside.
Roughly chop the mint, coriander and capers and place into a bowl with the remaining lemon juice, a generous tablespoon of vinegar and a splash of soy sauce. Mix well and taste – adjust seasoning if needed. It should be quite tangy which will balance out the fish and creamy avocado.
Remove the skin and seed from the avocado and dice into 1 cm chunks.
Place a frying pan on the stove and heat til very hot. Add the tuna steaks and cook no more than 30 seconds per side. Remove from the heat and rest while assembling the salad.
Cover the bottom of two plates or bowls with a layer of rocket. Place the broccolini, pickled onion and avocado over the top, dividing equally between the two bowls. Drizzle the salad with a little of the dressing.
Slice each tuna steak into 1 cm slices and place on the top of each salad. Top with the remaining dressing and serve immediately.

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