Quick Ramen
This quick ramen is my ultimate go-to lunch. I love it! I stared making it about eighteen months ago and since then there would rarely be a week when I don’t make a bowl!
I regularly find myself looking for something other than a sandwich for lunch when I’m home. I want vegetables, something green and healthy, that I know will sustain me through til dinner. But it also needs to be tasty. Salads are great (and also high on rotation here) but sometimes you crave something warm and spicy that requires a minimal effort. This quick ramen is the answer – it’s delicious and genuinely takes less than 10 minutes to make!
The recipe below is really just a guide. Don’t like chilli heat? Then leave out the sriracha sauce. Like it really hot? Just keep on adding it in! Don’t like tuna? Use leftover chicken instead. Or omit the protein entirely and go vegetarian. Use whatever vegetables you like in it too – my selection varies depending on what I can find in the fridge! Zucchini and broccoli generally appear but that’s more because they are my current favourite veggies so always in fridge! I do recommend however a mix of cooked and raw vegetables if you can as this provides a lovely texture contrast when eating.
Go on – give it a try on day. You won’t be disappointed!