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Home Made Pizzas

Home Made Pizzas

So who doesn’t love a good pizza? Not many I reckon and there is something fabulous about making them at home. And to get it right, it really is all about the dough!!

This dough recipe is a family one with myself and sisters all making their own version of this. Our topping remain varied based on personal tastes however the classic ham, salami, mushroom & olive is invariably a staple in all our households!

I have included the ingredients for the dough only as toppings really are a personal decision. However I have included a selection of my family favourite toppings for you to consider.

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3 cups (450g) plain pizza flour
1 sachet (7g) dried yeast
1 teaspoon salt
275ml lukewarm water
50 ml milk
1 tablespoon olive oil plus extra for greasing


Combine flour, yeast and salt in a large bowl. Make a well in the centre and add the water, milk and olive oil. Mix well to combine. Occasionally the dough will require a little more flour to come together. If it seems too wet once mixed, add small amounts of flour to get teh desired consistency.
Turn onto a floured surface and knead until smooth, about 10 minutes. Occasionally the dough will require a little more flour to come together to a smooth consistency. If it seems too wet once mixed, add small amounts of flour to get the desired feel. Alternatively, you can do step 1 & 2 in a KitchenAid (or similar) using the dough hook attachment.
Grease a large bowl with olive oil. Place dough into the bowl to prove and cover til it has doubled in size - at least 1 hour.
Punch down to remove the air and knead again for a couple of minutes. Divide dough into either 2 or 4 balls, depending on the desired thickness of your pizza base.
Roll the pizza dough on a lightly floured surface to the desired size and place on a pizza tray. Top with pizza sauce and your favourite toppings. Bake at 220 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes,
Topping suggestions: I tend to make all my pizzas with a basic tomato sauce as the base. - prosciutto & baby bocconcini cheese, with fresh rocket & a drizzle of balsamic vinegar added once cooked. - salami, mushroom, baby bocconcini - ham, pepperoni, mushrooms, olives & cheese - pizza or bocconcini - eggplant puree, lamb loin slices, olives, fetta, roast tomatoes & baby bocconcini cheese - no tomato sauce on this one, just olive oil & garlic on the dough then covered in wafer thin slice of zuchinni, a few leaves of thyme and more olive oil.

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