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Grazing Tapas Board

There’s no better way to start a Spanish Feast than with a grazing tapas board. They are so simple to put together and really set the scene for an evening of good eating to come. In my opinion they are the perfect relaxed way to start a dinner party allowing grazing over good food, a glass of bubbles and some good conversation.

These days the ready availability of good produce to create a board like this make the process so easy. Everything on my board came from a supermarket or delicatessen. And if you don’t have a good deli nearby, what you can find at your local supermarket would be enough to put together something delicious.

One thing that you should try to find if you haven’t tried them are the white anchovies. They are AMAZING!! Tasting nothing like their ‘furry fish’ maligned brothers, these anchovies are delicious. With a freshness about them and a lovely pickled taste you can’t go wrong. They are worth hunting down!

The key to making the tapas board successful is to keep it simple. Use components that are true to the Spanish flavours or else leave them off. Buy good quality ingredients in small amounts rather than putting too much on your board. Show restraint – one or two cheeses is ample. Keep the flavours separate on the board. Think about how you are presenting the food – I love to use different shaped and sized dished for things like the olives, capsicum and anchovies and will keep the mussels served in their tin. All simple steps but they add to the overall beauty and deliciousness of the tapas board.


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Sourdough or pana de casa loaf, sliced thickly
Olive oil
3 garlic cloves
2-3 large tomatoes, cut in half
Salt flakes
Manchego cheese / other Spanish cheese cut into thin wedges
White anchovies
Tinned mussels
Quince paste
Olives – I had both Manchego stuffed and a bowl of mixed
Roast capsicum, sliced


Heat a griddle pan until very hot. Toast each side of the bread in the pan until golden. Alternatively toast in the toaster or under a grill. Whilst hot, rub one side of the toast with half a garlic clove. Take about a third of the toasts and drizzle with olive oil and a sprinkle of salt flakes. Set aside.
To make the tomato bread, take the remaining garlic toasts and rub over with the tomato halves, squeezing the tomato to get maximum juice and flavour into the toast. Drizzle over some olive oil and sprinkle with salt flakes. Set aside.
Arrange the toasts along with all the other ingredients onto a large serving platter or board. I like using a combination of dishes on the board for the different items as well as placing some directly on the board. This keeps the flavours separate as well as crating visual interest. But it is entirely up to you how to create the board!
Serve immediately and enjoy with a glass of bubbles.

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