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Choc Orange Olive Oil Mousse

Chocolate mousse and olive oil. Now that is a combination that until recently I never would’ve considered possible. I saw a Nigella variation of this olive oil mousse not that long ago on television one night. I was intrigued. Chocolate mousse is an absolute favourite of mine and I have used the same recipe for as long as I can remember. It was given to me by a French family friend and has always been fool proof as well as amazingly delicious.

It felt like sacrilege to be even considering making a different chocolate mousse. But I knew I had to make an olive oil mousse to see if it was as good as it sounded and compare it to my usual mousse recipe. I filed the thought away and when it came time to plan my recent Spanish Feast I realised an orange infused variation would match the feast perfectly.

And boy did it not disappoint! It was gooey and fudgy, super chocolatey with a lovely note of orange. The olive oil in the mousse added another layer to the texture as well as a peppery flavour which just sang with the orange and chocolate. Amazing. Seriously amazing to be honest. In fact, this could be my new favourite dessert. Well until my next sweet discovery anyway…


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160g dark chocolate – at least 70% cocoa
100 ml good quality extra virgin olive oil
30 ml Cointreau
4 large eggs
50 g castor sugar
1 tablespoons orange or mandarin zest
Sea salt


Melt the chocolate either in the microwave or over boiling water then set aside to cool for a few mintues.
Combine the olive oil and Cointreau then add to the chocolate, stirring well to combine.
Separate the eggs, placing the whites and yolks into separate bowls. Add a pinch of salt to the egg whites and whisk until you have stiff peaks.
Add the sugar and another pinch of salt to the egg yolks and whisk until the mixture is pale in colour and has thickened and increased in volume.
Add the chocolate mixture to the egg yolks and sugar, stirring gently to combine. Then gently add in the egg whites, one third at a time, ensuring you combine the mix well leaving no white streaks through the mousse. Make sure you are gently through this step so that you are not knocking too much air from the mousse mixture.
Pour the mousse into individual serving bowls. The mousse can be eaten straight away or refrigerated. If placing in the refrigerator, remove the mousse about half an hour before eating to allow them to come to room temperature which will make the mousse silkier. Or for a fudgier consistency, eat them straight from the fridge!

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