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Chicken and Mushrooms

Chicken and Mushrooms

Chicken & Mushrooms

Ahhhh Chicken and Mushrooms  – now that is a match made in foodie heaven! It doesn’t seem to matter how you pair them or what cuisine is influencing the dish, you can almost guarantee that it will be a winner when chicken and mushrooms are involved. They just work brilliantly together! Be it a stir-fry, pie, risotto, pasta or even a soup – they are all winners with them as key ingredients. And this simple Italian inspired recipe is no different!

It’s a delightfully simple dish and one my husband loves to cook. Serve with a simple salad for a tasty weeknight meal. Or add a side of polenta and dressed green vegetables to make it a decadent weekend meal. Neither will disappoint – I promise!

The recipe is fundamentally the same as this recipe from Gino D’Acampo and his Italian Coastal escape cookbook. The addition of lemon and extra mushrooms just adds a little more zing and robustness to the dish.



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Chicken and Mushrooms


2 small or 1 large chicken breasts
1-2 tablespoons plain flour
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and crushed
Fresh thyme, a small handful, leaves picked
1 lemon, zest and juice
300g mixed mushrooms – you want at least 3 varieties if possible
100ml white wine
150ml chicken stock
50g unsalted butter
Salt, pepper and olive oil


Place each chicken breast between cling wrap and flatten with a rolling pin or mallet. You want to end up with chicken about 5mm thick. If using a single large breast, cut the chicken in half to create two thinner pieces before flattening further. Cut each flattened chicken piece into 2 or 3 pieces for cooking and serving.
Place the flour into a bowl of freezer bag and season generously with salt and pepper. Toss the chicken with the seasoned flour and set aside.
Prepare the mushrooms ready for cooking. Cut each variety differently – into slices, quarters, whole or torn depending on the mushrooms size and shape.
Place a large frying pan over a high heat. Add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil then add the garlic, lemon zest and thyme and cook for about 30 seconds. Add the mushrooms and cook, stirring often for around 5 minutes. Remove the mushrooms from the pan and set aside.
Reduce the heat to medium and add a little more olive oil to the pan. Add the chicken and cook for a couple of minutes each side. Add the wine. After a minute or so, return the mushrooms to the pan along with the stock and cook gently for 3-5 minutes. Add the butter and a squeeze of lemon juice and stir to emulsify into the sauce.
Serve immediately with a simple salad or steamed green vegetables.
    • Anonymous
    • May 25, 2019

    Thanks Annabelle, I’ll be cooking this recipe.

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