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Asian Chicken Meatballs

Asian Chicken Meatballs

Who doesn’t love a good meatball? They are fantastic! I love that almost every cuisine has a variation of meatball. And there are limitless options of creating your own flavour profiles in the quest for the ultimate meatball. I love these Asian Chicken Meatballs for so many reasons. They are quick an easy to make and packed full of flavour. Quite healthy too, with no added fats and being baked in the oven. From a flavour point of view you can adjust the herbs and spices to suit your palate with more or less chilli, garlic, ginger or coriander.

And best of all there are so many ways you can enjoy these meatballs. Serve with rice and a quick salad or stir-fried vegetables.  Add in a quick dipping sauce on the side made from soy sauce, lime juice, fresh chilli and a little fish sauce. Make an Asian noodle soup and top with a few chicken meatballs. Or place in a wrap with avocado, Kewpie mayonnaise and extra chilli sauce to taste! They even make a great addition to a grazing table of delicious bites of food.

However you enjoy them, these meatballs will quickly become a firm favourite in your household.

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Asian Chicken Meatballs


500g chicken mince
4 cloves of garlic
4cm knob of ginger
1-2 fresh red chilli
Handful of coriander
Zest of 1 lime
1 tablespoon soy sauce
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 small carrot, grated and moisture squeezed out


Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
Peel and roughly chop the ginger and garlic. Remove the stem from the chilli and roughly chop. Place them into the bowl of a small food processor along with the coriander and soy sauce and blitz until it resembles a coarse paste.
Place the remaining ingredients into a bowl along with the paste. Using your hands, mix well to combine all the ingredients.
Form the mixture into 12-16 meatballs and place onto a baking paper lined baking tray. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes.

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